Sunday, 27 October 2013

It's all-about the Results' tonight!

Last-night, it was all-about the performances!

Tonight, the attention is now on those all-important results!

The 10 remaining-acts performed songs from movies' in their attempt to win YOUR votes, which decide who makes it through to Week 4!

After all the performances, the results' of the 10-minute Flash Vote revealed the categories that were safe, for now.

The first category that was safe for now was..........the GIRLS!

The second-category that was safe for now was..........the OVER 25s!

The third-category that was safe for now was..........the BOYS!

It meant that the 1 act who would be in the bottom-two was in the GROUPS and the act that received the fewest of votes and face the sing-off was..........MISS DYNAMIX.

The lines had then re-opened and here are those all-important numbers you need to call or text to vote.

 The BOYS (a.k.a. Team Louis) - Mentored by LOUIS WALSH

To vote for Sam Callahan, call 090 20 50 51 02 
or text 6 50 51 02

To vote for Luke Friend, call 090 20 50 51 09 
or text 6 50 51 09

To vote for Nicholas McDonald, call 09020 50 51 04 
or text 6 50 51 04

The GIRLS (a.k.a. Team Nicole) - Mentored by NICOLE SCHERZINGER

To vote for Tamera Foster, call 090 20 50 51 10
or text 6 50 51 10

To vote for Hannah Barrett, call 090 20 50 51 03
or text 6 50 51 03

To vote for Abi Alton, call 090 20 50 51 05
or text 6 50 51 05

The OVER 25s (a.k.a. Team Sharon) - Mentored by SHARON OSBOURNE

To vote for Sam Bailey, call 090 20 50 51 07
or text 6 50 51 07

The GROUPS (a.k.a. Team Gary) - Mentored by GARY BARLOW

To vote for Rough Copy, call 090 20 50 51 01
or text 6 50 51 01

To vote for Kingsland Road, call 090 20 50 51 08
or text 6 50 51 08

More information on voting is on the link below

Lines are still open but close on tonight's Results' Show and once they close, it will be too-late.

Sadly, another act will join Miss Dynamix in the Final Showdown for the judges' vote, as the last remaining-place will be decided by them.

So if you don't want YOUR favourite act to be in that dreaded sing-off, you need to VOTE!

Join Dermot with all those all-important results plus performances from The Wanted and Lady GaGa, on The X Factor tonight at 8:00pm only on ITV!

Don't forget to join Caroline and Matt with all the reaction plus all the backstage gossip, on The Xtra Factor tonight at 9:00pm only on ITV2!

Don't miss it!

Good luck to all 10 remaining acts, the judges/mentors, the guest-stars, the presenters and everyone of the X Factor team!


Saturday, 26 October 2013

The X Factoer continues TONIGHT!


It's Saturday and that only means one-thing, it's another weekend of X Factor action!

Last-week saw Shelley Smith bow out of the competition as Kingsland Road secured the final remaining-place in the sing-off.

Now the LIVE shows enters it's third-week and this-week is Movies' Week!

Dermot is back again tonight with all of the performances, as the 10 remaining acts perform on that X Factor stage in their attempts to win YOUR votes and secure a place in next-week's show.

Meanwhile, Caroline is back with all the action from backstage as the 10 remaining acts prepare for another-night of performances!

Not only will the nation be watching, there is another group of people watching the performances and they'll also be commenting on them too, it's none-other than the judges in Gary, Nicole, Sharon and Louis.

Here are the songs the 10 remaining acts' are to perform tonight!

The BOYS (a.k.a. Team Louis) - Mentored by LOUIS WALSH

Sam Callahan, will sing 'All I Want Is You'
Luke Friend, will sing 'Kiss From A Rose'
Nicholas McDonald, will sing 'In The Arms Of The Angel'

The GIRLS (a.k.a. Team Nicole) - Mentored by NICOLE SCHERZINGER

Tamera Foster, will sing 'Listen'
Hannah Barrett, will sing 'Skyfall'
Abi Alton, will sing 'Moon River'

The OVER 25's (a.k.a. Team Sharon) - Mentored by SHARON OSBOURNE

Sam Bailey, will sing 'My Heart Will Go On'

The GROUPS (a.k.a. Team Gary) - Mentored by GARY BARLOW

Rough Copy, are going to sing 'Everything I Do'
Miss Dynamix, are going to sing 'Dreams'
Kingsland Road, are going to sing 'Oh, Pretty Woman'

Join Dermot and Caroline with all of the action from the 3rd LIVE show, on The X Factor tonight at 8:00pm only on ITV!

Don't forget to join Caroline again but alongside Matt with all the reaction plus more backstage action, on The Xtra Factor tonight at 10:00pm only on ITV2!

Don't miss it!

Good luck to all 10 remaining acts, the judges/mentors, the presenters and everyone of the X Factor team!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

The attention now turns to.....the Results!

Last-night, it was all-about the performances from the 11 remaining acts.

Well, not exactly as there were 10 acts performing on last-night's LIVE show as Miss Dynamix had to pull-out as SeSe was rushed to hospital, which meant that they were not able to perform but go through to next-week's show.

Apart from that pull-out, it was a night of Love & Heartbreak songs that were performed by the 10 remaining acts on that X Factor stage.

The voting lines had then opened for the Flash Vote and after the 10-minute countdown reached 00:00:00, the lines had closed and the results' were finally revealed on which category were safe for now.

The first category revealed that were safe was..........the BOYS!

The second-category revealed that was safe was..........the GIRLS!

With only the Over 25s and the Groups' left on-stage, only 1 more category had avoided the bottom-two for now.

The third and final category that was safe in the Flash Vote was..........the OVER 25s!

So this meant that it was one of the Groups' that had received the fewsedt of public votes and perform tonight in the dreaded Final Showdown.

The act that received the fewest of votes was..........KINGSLAND ROAD.

So with Kingsland Road performing in the sing-off tonight, unfortunately there will be another act who will end-up in the bottom-two tonight.

Lines are re-open and here are those all-important numbers you need to call or text to vote.

The BOYS (a.k.a. Team Louis) - Mentored by LOUIS WALSH

To vote for Sam Callahan, call 090 20 50 51 07 
or text 6 50 51 07

To vote for Luke Friend, call 090 20 50 51 09 
or text 6 50 51 09

To vote for Nicholas McDonald, call 09020 50 51 03 
or text 6 50 51 03

The GIRLS (a.k.a. Team Nicole) - Mentored by NICOLE SCHERZINGER

To vote for Tamera Foster, call 090 20 50 51 08
or text 6 50 51 08

To vote for Hannah Barrett, call 090 20 50 51 11
or text 6 50 51 11

To vote for Abi Alton, call 090 20 50 51 04
or text 6 50 51 04

The OVER 25s (a.k.a. Team Sharon) - Mentored by SHARON OSBOURNE

To vote for Sam Bailey, call 090 20 50 51 01
or text 6 50 51 01

To vote for Shelley Smith, call 090 20 50 51 05
or text 6 50 51 05

The GROUPS (a.k.a. Team Gary) - Mentored by GARY BARLOW

To vote for Rough Copy, call 090 20 50 51 10
or text 6 50 51 10

More information on voting is on the link below

Lines are open but close on tonight's Results' Show and once they close, it will be too late.

If you don't want YOUR favourite act to be in that bottom-two, you need to VOTE!

Join Dermot with those all-important results' plus performances from Katy Perry and Robin Thicke, on The X Factor tonight at 8:00pm only on ITV!

Don't forget to join Caroline and Matt with all the reaction plus all the gossip, on The Xtra Factor tonight at 9:00pm only on ITV2!

Don't miss it!

Good luck to all remaining acts, the judges/mentors, the guest-stars, the presenters and everyone of the X Factor team!

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Another LIVE show weekend is here!


Last-week was not just 80's Week but it was also the start of the LIVE shows!

Another weekend of LIVE shows has come and tonight, it's Love & Heartbreak Night!

Dermot is back with all the action from the 2nd LIVE show, as the 11 remaining acts perform on that X Factor stage once-again for YOUR votes, whilst Caroline returns with all the action from backstage

With all the comments and staying loyal to their acts are the judges/mentors in Gary, Nicole, Sharon and Louis.

Here are the songs that the 11 remaining acts are going to be performing tonight.

The BOYS (a.k.a. Team Louis) - Mentored by LOUIS WALSH

Sam Callahan, will sing 'I Won't Give Up'
Luke Friend, will sing 'Let Her Go'
Nicholas McDonald, will sing 'She's The One'

The GIRLS (a.k.a. Team Nicole) - Mentored by NICOLE SCHERZINGER

Tamera Foster, will sing 'Beneath Your Beautiful'
Hannah Barrett, will sing 'Beautiful'
Abi Alton, will sing 'Can't Get You Out Of My Head'

The OVER 25's (a.k.a. Team Sharon) - Mentored by SHARON OSBOURNE

Sam Bailey, will sing 'Make You Feel My Love'
Shelley Smith, will sing 'Single Ladies'

The GROUPS (a.k.a. Team Gary) - Mentored by GARY BARLOW

Rough Copy, are going to sing 'I Want It That Way'
Miss Dynamix, are going to sing 'Dreams'
Kingsland Road, are going to sing 'Marry You'

Tonight it's all about the performances but there is also the Flash Vote to look-out for.

After all of the performances, the lines will be open only for 10-minutes and when they close, the Flash Vote will reveal which 1 act received the fewest of votes and will be in the Final Showdown on Sunday-night's results' show.

So if YOU don't want YOUR favourite act to be in that sing-off, you would need to VOTE!

Join Dermot and Caroline with all the performances from the 2nd LIVE show, on The X Factor tonight at 8:00pm only on ITV!

Don't forget to join Caroline and Matt with all the reaction plus all the gossip on The Xtra Factor tonight at 10:05pm only on ITV2!

Don't miss it!

Good luck to all 11 remaining acts, the judges/mentors, the presenters and eveeryone of the X Factor team!

Monday, 14 October 2013

The X Factor series 10 - LIVE Show Weekend 1



After weeks of searching and selecting, the first LIVE show weekend had finally come!

Saturday-night, it was all-about the performances whilst Sunday-night, it was all-about the results!

The 12 acts that made it through to the LIVE shows had taken-up their toughest-challenge as they performed hit songs' from the 80's, as it was 80's Night!

Not just that, they were also performing for YOUR vote to remain in the race for that £1 million recording contract.

There was a twist in-store on Saturday-night with the Flash Vote, which meant that 1 act was definitely going to have perform in the sing-off on Sunday-night.

After the 10-minute vote had closed, it was time to reveal of the Flash Vote, which revealed which category was safe on the night.

The first category avoiding the bottom-two was..........the GIRLS!

The second category also avoiding the bottom-two was..........the GROUPS!

The third category also avoiding the bottom-two was..........the BOYS!

The result meant that the first act who would be facing the sing-off was in the OVER 25s category and the act who had received the fewest of public votes was..........SHELLEY SMITH.

The lines had re-opened afterwards but they closed on Sunday-night's results' show.

After performances from Ellie Goulding and Cher, it was time to reveal those all-important results which decided whom had made it through to Weekend 2.

There were 10 places up-for-grabs from the public vote, with the final 11th-place to be decided by the judges in the Final Showdown.

The first-act who made it through to Weekend 2 was..........KINGSLAND ROAD!

The second-act through to Weekend 2 was..........ABI!

The third-act who also made it through to Weekend 2 was..........SAM CALLAHAN!

The fourth-act through to Weekend 2 was..........SAM BAILEY!

The fifth-act who akso made it through to Weekend 2 was..........MISS DYNAMIX!

The sixth-act making it through to Weekend 2 was.........HANNAH!

The seventh-act also making it through to Weekend 2 was..........NICHOLAS!

The eighth-act who also made it through was..........TAMERA!

That also meant that all 3 of Nicole's acts were safely through and they perform again on Weekend 2!

Back to the results, there were only 2 places from the public vote left.

The ninth-place for Weekend 2 went to..........ROUGH COPY!

This meant that all 3 of Gary's acts' also made it through to Weekend 2!

Only 1 more place from the public vote was remaining and that place went to..........LUKE!

So all 10 places from the public vote were decided and all 3 of Louis' acts had made it through to Weekend 2!

This also meant that Lorna Simpson was also in the bottom-two, alongside Shelley Smith and it was a sing-off between 2 acts in the Over 25s category.

With Shelley performing first and Lorna performing last in the sing-off, it was decision-time for the judges.

Sharon was up-first and with no-hesitation, she abstained from voting.

So with Sharon deciding not to vote, the decision was going to be made between Louis, Gary and Nicole.

Louis was first-up to decide and he decided to send home..........LORNA.

Gary was next to decide and after some-time, he decided to send home..........SHELLEY.

Last-up with Nicole and it was the casting-vote as well and she decided to send home..........LORNA.

That resulted in Shelley Smith securing the final 11th-place for Weekend 2 and it ended Lorna's X Factor journey.

Want to re-live the action from the first LIVE show weekend? You can watch both The X Factor and The Xtra Factor online NOW on the ITV Player @

Good luck to all 11 remaining acts and to Lorna, the judges/mentors, the presenters and everyone of the X Factor team!

Sunday, 13 October 2013

It's now all-about those Results!

Last-night, it was all-about the performances, as the final 12 acts had performed for the very first-time on the first LIVE show of the series!

It was 80's Night and the 12 acts had performed hit 80's songs' to win YOUR votes, which decide their fate in the race for that £1 million recording-contract.

Not just the performances, there was a twist in-store with the Flash Vote, which revealed who had received the fewest of votes in the 10-minute vote and would be facing tonight's dreaded sing-off.

The act who had received the fewest of votes in the Flash Vote was..........SHELLEY SMITH.

Tonight, it will be all-about those all-important results' and sadly, there is 1 more act who will join Shelley in the Final Showdown for the judges' vote.

Here are those all important numbers you need to call or text to vote.

The BOYS (a.k.a. Team Louis) - Mentored by LOUIS WALSH

To vote for Sam Callahan, call 090 20 50 51 05  
or text 6 50 51 05

To vote for Luke Friend, call 090 20 50 51 11  
or text 6 50 51 11

To vote for Nicholas McDonald, call 09020 50 51 02  
or text 6 50 51 02

The GIRLS (a.k.a. Team Nicole) - Mentored by NICOLE SCHERZINGER

To vote for Tamera Foster, call 090 20 50 51 10 
or text 6 50 51 10

To vote for Hannah Barrett, call 090 20 50 51 01 
or text 6 50 51 01

To vote for Abi Alton, call 090 20 50 51 08 
or text 6 50 51 08

The OVER 25s (a.k.a. Team Sharon) - Mentored by SHARON OSBOURNE

To vote for Sam Bailey, call 090 20 50 51 04 
or text 6 50 51 04

To vote for Lorna Simpson, call 090 20 50 51 09 
or text 6 50 51 09

The GROUPS (a.k.a. Team Gary) - Mentored by GARY BARLOW

To vote for Rough Copy, call 090 20 50 51 12 
or text 6 50 51 12

To vote for Miss Dynamix, call 090 20 50 51 03 
or text 6 50 51 03

To vote for Kingsland Road, call 090 20 50 51 06 
or text 6 50 51 06

More information on voting can be found on the link below.

Lines are still open but they won't be for long, as they will close on tonight's Results' Show.

So if you don't want YOUR favourite act to end-up in the bottom-two tonight, you need to VOTE!

Sadly, an X Factor journey will end for 1 act tonight, so get voting NOW!

Join Dermot with those all-important results' plus performances from Cher and Ellie Goulding, on The X Factor tonight at 8:00pm only on ITV!

Remember to join Caroline and Matt with all the reaction plus all the gossip from backstage, on The Xtra Factor tonight at 9:00pm only on ITV2!

Don't miss it!

Missed any of last-night's action? You can watch both The X Factor and The Xtra Factor online NOW on the ITV Player @ http:///

Good luck to all 12 finalists, the judges/mentors, the guest-stars, the presenters and everyone of the X Factor team!

Saturday, 12 October 2013

The LIVE shows are back.....with 80's Week!


After weeks of auditions and brutal rounds of Bootcamp and the Judges' Houses, the most eagerly-anticipating round are finally here!

Saturday-night's are back once-again, with the LIVE shows!

Dermot is back tonight with the first LIVE show, as the final 12 acts selected from last-week face their biggest-test, as they perform on that popular-stage for YOUR votes.

With Dermot presenting on-stage, Caroline will be presenting from backstage as she co-presents tonight's LIVE show.

With all the comments plus to defend their acts, are none-other than the judges' in Gary Barlow, Nicole Scherzinger, Sharon Osbourne and Louis Walsh.

This-week's theme is 80's Week and the final 12 acts perform songs from the 80's.

The BOYS (a.k.a. Team Louis) - Mentored by LOUIS WALSH

Sam Callahan, will sing 'Summer Of '69'
Luke Friend, will sing 'Every Breath You Take'
Nicholas McDonald, will sing 'True'

The GIRLS (a.k.a. Team Nicole) - Mentored by NICOLE SCHERZINGER

Tamera Foster, will sing 'Ain't Nobody'
Hannah Barrett, will sing 'What's Love Got To Do With It'
Abi Alton, will sing 'Livin' On A Prayer'

The OVER 25's (a.k.a. Team Sharon) - Mentored by SHARON OSBOURNE

Sam Bailey, will sing 'Power Of Love'
Shelley Smith, will sing 'Alone'
Lorna Simpson, will sing 'So Emotional'

The GROUPS (a.k.a. Team Gary) - Mentored by GARY BARLOW

Rough Copy, are going to sing 'In The Air Tonight'
Miss Dynamix, are going to sing 'Jump'
Kingsland Road, are going to sing 'I'm Your Man'

Tonight, it will be all-about their performances but tomorrow-night, it will be all-about the results.

Join Dermot and Caroline with all of their performances on the first LIVE show, on The X Factor tonight at 8:00pm only on ITV!

Don't forget to re-join Caroline alongside Matt with all the reaction plus all the gossip, on The Xtra Factor tonight at 10:15pm only on ITV2!

Don't miss it!

Good luck to all 12 acts, the judges/mentors, the presenters and everyone of the X Factor team.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

From the Boys' and Over 25's to the Girls' and the Groups!

Last-night was the start of the Judges' Houses round and it all started with the Boys' and Over 25's categories.

After such difficulty and emotion, the final 3 acts for both categories' were finally selected by Louis Walsh and Sharon Osbourne alongside celebrity guests.

The final 3 acts selected for the LIVE shows in the Boys' category, mentored by Louis Walsh, were.


The final 3 acts selected for the LIVE shows in the Girls' category, mentored by Sharon Osbourne, were.


With the final 3 acts in the Boys' and Over 25's categories selected, the attention now turns to Gary and Nicole, who now have to select their top 3 acts that will perform in the LIVE shows.

Dermot is back again tonight with all the action coming from the final stage of the Judges' Houses round, in Antigua and New York.

With all the behind-the-scenes' action, Caroline and Matt have all of that and more.

Nicole, who is mentoring the Girls' category, will be joined by soul star Mary J Blige in Antigua to help select the final 3 acts that will make the LIVE shows.

Over in New York, Gary will be joined by former contestant and former Xtra Factor host Olly Murs to help select the final 3 acts in the Groups' category.

The question is, who will Nicole and Gary choose as their top 3 acts?

The only way to find-out is by tuning-in tonight!

Join Dermot with all the action from the Judges' Houses round, on The X Factor tonight at 7:10pm only on ITV!

Remember to join Caroline and Matt on The Xtra Factor tonight at 9:00pm only on ITV2!

Don't miss it!

Good luck to all the acts, the judges/mentors and celebrity guests, the presenters and everyone of the X Factor team!